About Us
30 Years Experience
Producing 7 manufacturing plants in 2 countries
SANICA, having been established since 1987 is a leading manufacturer and is one of Europe’s 5 largest producers of bathtubs and is a respectable brand well known in the world,
Panel radiators, designer radiators, towel rails, bath...
SANICA Heat panel radiator facilities also were established in 2003 and has one of the largest capacity production plants in Europe.
Contact us
Get In Touch
Contact Info
2051 Biatorbagy Devay Gyula u.9 1/3 HUNGARY
p: +36 3045 50570
f: +36 23 820473
Mail Us
E: barisgur@sanica.com.tr
E: sanica@sanica.com.tr
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00
Sat-Sun: Closed